One of my sisters and I favorite things to do in the summer is take be outside with our dogs. So one day we decided to take my dog Willow, canoeing at Chain-o-lakes in Indiana. It was Willow’s first time ever on a boat and she did great! For the most part she was really good and just sat there as we paddled but there was one funny story…
We made it all the way back to through the river through woods to another lake center that was covered in lily pads. We took a little break and were just sitting in the boat enjoying the outdoors when all of a sudden Willow fell over the edge of the canoe. I had never seen her so scared before and her eyes were bugging out of her face in fear. She did not want to let go and fall in all the way into the water so she was clinging on the edge of the canoe with her life! We finally got her back in the canoe and for the rest of the boat ride she just laid down at the bottom of the canoe looking super defeated. It was a funny story but I am only hoping it doesn’t ruin boats for her for the rest of her life cause we have a lot more canoe trips planned for this summer!
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