At the beginning of May Scotty and I had the opportunity to go to Rome, Georgia for a retreat. We literally found out we were going to go about 3 days before and it ended up being the the best spontaneous blessing! It was also my birthday during that week so it was the perfect getaway!
Connect is a retreat specifically for married couple in business. It was so cool to be around 60 other couples that just ‘get it’. That know what it looks like to own your own business and work from home and also be in business with who you are married to. It was neat getting to talk and gain wisdom from so many other couples walking this path of life as well!
Everyday we would have worship and session times throughout the day and we also got a ton of free time where we would have time to process things with our spouse and get to talk and pray over things together. It was amazing to have some quiet time with God and with your spouse. We were encouraged to disconnect completely from our work and our phones and just be truly present with the people around us as well as with our spouse and our walk with God. We loved having this restful and quiet time together in such a beautiful location!
We also were a part of a small group with other couples that we would meet with every evening that we got to know as well which was super cool!
The last night we all got dressed up and had a dinner under the sky and at the end you could pair up and swap photos with other couples! Not every couple were in the business of photography but there was enough of us that were photographers that we could get every couple that wanted photos taken care of!
WinShape officially became the prettiest retreat place of all time in my book. It’s was an old dairy farm turned into a retreat center and it is owned by Chick-fil-a so you can just imagine the service!
The beauty from our quiet morning walks!
This beautiful couple was a part of our small group and we got a chance to take some of their photos! Joee & Caleb were the sweetest! They are wedding photographer in Kansas! Check out their beautiful work here!
Cassi and Chris were another couple we got to meet during our time at the retreat! They are also wedding photographers in the New Jersey area and are amazing! You can check out their work here!
Huge thanks to these couples for being an inspiration and encouragement to so many other couples in business and for doing such a good job leading the Connect retreat!
And all the other couples that spoke and led!