In the fall we vacationed to Brown County which is south from where we live. It’s the hilliest part of Indiana. When you are used to seeing flatness in all directions it gets pretty exciting when hills are involved! We went for just a few days in between the craziness of wedding season for me but it was the perfect little getaway. We took hikes, rode ponies, took a boat ride, explored their downtown and so much more! The trees were in their peak of color change and everywhere you looked it was a pretty yellow and orange. It was the most perfect vacation with the most perfect humans. So thankful to God for these gifts in my life!
These two melt my heart! And look at all this fall beauty!!
This was the view right outside the airbnb we stayed in so obviously we had to take the boat out!
Ummm, can we just point out how this girl is a freaking model?!! Also, clearance target hat find for the win!
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